Monthly Archives: November 2008

Lost in transition

This is not a blog most would desire to read. It will be harsh at times, get used to that. It will not contain straightforward descriptions of my daily life, nor will it display socialist posts that are put up for no other reason but to garner views.

The past week has been hectic; the next couple of weeks will be even more so.

Things have gotten out of hand lately. A quick look at certain blogs can reveal quite a bit of surprising information. Apparently, most people have gotten off their bums and begun looking for jobs. There’s nothing wrong with that. It just irks me slightly to see people with zilch knowledge of IT jargon apply for jobs that require at the very least a basic understanding in computing technology. Every additional person hired for a promoting job at the upcoming fair spells a potential reduction in my planned income. I’ll let you fuckers know here and now. My target is to make a net gain of $800. It doesn’t matter if you put up feeble attempts at pilfering the customers’ purchases straight from my pocket. You know your ability best, now get out of my way. You’d do best to keep to a corner and fap off to your porn flick of choice. Neighbourhood kids will not be spared, they will be mauled to the high heavens.

I had no idea that possessing the adeptness to play a musical instrument is that much of a rage these days. From guitars to basses, violins to handguns, it seems as if no particular instrument is spared from the onslaught of aspiring musicians. Does turning sixteen open the perspectives of one’s mind to the extent that not even a sliver of sanity remains? I remembered people actually used to have fun last year, reading blogs, playing games or whatever bullshit they prefer wading in. Of course, there is nothing wrong with enrolling into the Shaolin temple of music. What is wrong is people treating these instruments as tools in order to fulfill an ulterior motive. Respect them, they are not to be used as wank-aids in landing the girl of your dreams. For that, read on. Keep in mind that I’m speaking from the point of view of a regular HDB dood.

1) Typical rich girl who has everything. Decent smarts with pleasant looks. The flower of the school.

For this, you have to be what you aren’t. Deceit is the chief operator in this case. Lie to advance, trick to collect $200. Feign your sophistication; this can be done satisfactorarily even if you carry in your veins the blood of a die-hard Bong Kia. Keep the line steady, they take a long time to bite. Once they get hooked, you  have the win in the bag. At this stage, their behavioural patterns will match those of the girls in Category 2 rather closely. That equals a success. Reel it in, cook it over a slow fire, and enjoy.

2) Regular girl who somehow has a plethora of friends to back her up should things get awry(target of approximately 93% of the male population in Singapore). Average intelligence, hails from the lower-middle class family. Standards of girls in this category range from “CBF” to “caution, please use plastic bag at own discretion”.

First things first. A key factor in securing your victory is whether you are able to successful isolate her from her regular circle of friends, and take her down in a gritty one-on-one. Those pesky females are obstacles you have to get out of the way no matter the cost. It doesn’t matter if you nuke them, tase them, bitch slap them, shove cake down their dresses or even GTA them. Get them out of the fucking path. This is serious business. From then on, you have a stairway to heaven set up for you.

3) Stupid bimbo ah-lian girl. Piercings are commonly sighted on various body parts, such as the ears, the tongue, and occasionally the nipple. Diehard worshippers of those contact lenses that enlarge the size of your pupils while changing their color. Normally accompanied by a gangster boyfriend whom she uses to defend herself in times of trouble, such as flame wars(boyfriend tags on her blog) or real-life conflicts. You can find a lot of these in neighbourhood instituitions, and surprisingly AHS. Whilst most of them are small, skinny and generally unappealing in stature, some are actually hot(externally, of course), and can be done medium-raw or well-done. The choice is yours. The hot ones may not be found in AHS, unless my eyes have deceived me. On that note, they rarely do.

They will come to you, being the desperate hobos they are. Your job is to sit tight and wait. You know how Bata, the footwear retailer is referred to as “Buy and throw away” due to the poor quality of their goods that result in them being unable to last any longer then three months? Well, this is FATA. Figure that out yourselves, wisecracks. For these are not the girls you want to commit to a steady relationship with. They’d probably sleep around town and get you infected with terminal sexually-transmitted diseases anyway. To get rid of the boyfriend, go mano-a-mano with him. Take him out with a sucker punch to the jaw and finish in style with that driving punch into the stomach. As Singaporeans gangsters are mostly wussy bengs anyway, you should triumph easily.

4) Disgusting girl with unpleasant personality. Scores low on the Hitchin’ a Ride scale, yet stubbornly refuses to accept the fact(I don’t mean you if I have known you for a period of time that exceeds two years). Fucking abrasive personality puts most people off. Typically has a loud and royally irritating voice. Stupid as fuck too. Cannot accept her flaws, and instead attempts to camouflage them, albeit feebly, by idolising shallow celebrities with intelligence quotients that do not deviate substantially from her own.

What can I say? Kill on sight, and leave no remains behind. Get the sakabato out, ready a Kuzu Ryu Sen. Let the bloodfest begin.

Sad fucks, I’ve gotten a job at a particular hotel in the Raffles Boulevard belt. I hope to never see any of you there. Trepassers will be butchered and tied to poles. Cakes will then be flung at them, poles shoved into the gap between their lower limbs. I’d never know.

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Good ol’ fun, or?

Dammit. Why couldn’t he choose a better picture?

Oh and I LOVE how he compared me to Wee Shu Min. Apparently, people don’t read well.

It’s fine. ACJC is part of a school of elite JCs in Singapore which are not meant for prudes anyway.

When I said part of a school of elite JCs in Singapore, I didn’t state that AC is the SOLE ELITE JC in Singapore. A closer look into the LANGUAGE, will reveal that I said AC is PART of A SCHOOL OF ELITE JCs in Singapore. You know, collective noun?

Now now children, that is inclusive, NOT exclusive. If I were to practise REAL elitism which sadly, AC students are sterotyped against, I would have said

ACJC is AN ELITE JC in Singapore which is not meant for prudes anyway.

Language and grammar people. Language and grammar. By the way, elite JCs was not a termed I chose to use but rather a term that was thrown into the article, if you remember.

“ACJC girl tied up, roughed up, and humiliated on elite JC premises

So you can’t blame me. I was merely using the term that was given to us.

And like I have repeated time and time again, your fallacious arguments what so ever are irrelevant after they have crumbled through the mere fact that the “victim” said she is fine.

She. Is. Fine.

Apparently, Alvinology has vested personal interest in the matter by his persistent blog posts on this issue. I have no idea why, but its like a leech that needs to be burnt off.

People. This issue has obviously been blown out of proportion. You CANNOT and WILL NOT and SHOULD NOT speak up for the victim when she has already spoken. Believe me. There are numerous testimonies from her that assures she is fine, she knows it was for fun, she wasn’t crying. Read, the freaking newspaper. She said it was memorable on her blog. Did she say “Omg I cannot face the world anymore my life is over I’ve been thoroughly humiliated”?

No she didn’t.

Like I said, don’t put words into people’s mouth, don’t manipulate words, don’t twist stories, don’t blow things out of proportion.

Really. I fail to see how this can persist after assurance from the article in the press that the girl is fine! How can your argument hold?! If she was traumatized and severely affected by this incident, I would retract my words with immediate effect. But she is not.

Now just move on people. Move on. And stop harping on it.

And by the way Alvin, I AM NOT A RAGGING SUPPORTER! That is hasty generalization. I am not arguing on the grounds that I support ragging. I’m arguing on the grounds that this has been an exaggerated inference of the girls experience from the mere video. That does not mean I support ragging. I feel indifferent towards it. Spot the difference.

I’m not going to spend this ridiculous amount of time dwelling on this incident anymore. As far as I’m concerned, when the girl says its fine, its fine. And all arguments should cease.

And stop lambasting people on forums. Show some level of respect. If you people are arguing that the girl should be shown some respect, do the same to others.

The above is taken from

Well, I came to the knowledge of this issue when I chanced upon alvinology, a weblog belonging to a no-name blogger. It describes, albeit with a hint of biasness, a hazing that took place roughly two months ago at a second-tier junior college in Singapore, otherwise known as Anglo-Chinese Junior College. My curiosity then prompted me on to actually read the half-page long article in the Straits Times that documented the happening and tried to sway readers into condemning the behaviours of the ACJC student involved, though rather unconvincingly. I had not intended to churn up a post, since such shenanigans pop up every day or two, and are essentially molehills made into mountains, pardon the overused line. I attempted to close the chapter on this blasphemy of a prank right there and then. Alas, I stumbled onto the abovementioned blog, and my interest was piqued.

Who is J3tflame? Apparently, the chap is a student at ACJC, currently 18 years of age. His moniker reminds me much of the time I was 11 and used to go by the nickname of meteorazor, or at least something somewhere along those lines. At that tender age, I used to fry enemy bots on GunBound, but that’s a different story altogether. Anyway, enough with the personal attacks. Criticising a person’s views, and then turning to strike at his appeareance or his apparent immaturity or even hurling insults with 1000 attack speed is basically weakening your argument and diluting it to the point where it makes Mcdonald’s cola seem like liquid mercury. It is a Xiaxue thing to do, and that leads to an epic fail where at the end of her post, you can’t help wondering if her initial purpose was to raise awareness to bad service or behave like a blonde lian. With regards to the latter, she is already somewhat there.

Back to the issue at hand, this kid’s post literally creates holes for people to poke him with. Wait, that last line didn’t come out right, did it? Anyway, I wouldn’t dain to refute his claims or start a new post altogether on this matter if I had not finished my O’ Level Examinations and found myself with absolutely nothing to purge my boredom.

I sit around and watch the tube but nothing’s on, I change the channels for an hour or two. Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit, I’m sick of all the same old shit. In the house with unlocked doors and I’m fucking lazy…!

Thank god I’m not taking some Food Studies paper right now. Let us proceed with the tasing. Every line will be tased, make no mistake about that.

“Dammit. Why couldn’t he choose a better picture?”

Because that picture is the epic lulz. I would assume that your peers were playing a prank on you during your birthday celebration, taking a photo with flash of you when your countenance was smeared with oil. That’s what y’all ACJC kiddos enjoy anyway, right? The pleasure that radiates from you gives me the impression that you delight in a daily dose of BDSM porn.

“Oh and I LOVE how he compared me to Wee Shu Min. Apparently, people don’t read well.”

Back off. The girl’s a scholarship student at RJC. You’re an unproven bloke like the rest of the peasanthood. The comparison between her and you is odious. On a sidenote, people read well enough to ensure that they don’t end up taking a train all the way down to Dover for the sole purpose of receiving education since they were rejected someplace else.

“It’s fine. ACJC is part of a school of elite JCs in Singapore which are not meant for prudes anyway.”

Get this straight. ACJC was never elite. The reporter was mistaken, and so are you. Readers should place less faith in the Strait Times, since it is a partially distorted representation of the truth anyway. ACJC is ranked 7th place among the JCs in Singapore. That is second-tier. Don’t overestimate yourself bro. Even Temasek JC, which is ranked above your institution by two places, isn’t exactly considered elite material as of yet.

“When I said part of a school of elite JCs in Singapore, I didn’t state that AC is the SOLE ELITE JC in Singapore. A closer look into the LANGUAGE, will reveal that I said AC is PART of A SCHOOL OF ELITE JCs in Singapore. You know, collective noun?”

As above. Your language is nothing to shout about, no point in drawing attention there. This is the second time I’m repeating this. I’ll reiterate. ACJC is not part of the elite schools in Singapore, it is second-tier. You have no basis to state that claim.

“Now now children, that is inclusive, NOT exclusive. If I were to practise REAL elitism which sadly, AC students are sterotyped against, I would have said ACJC is AN ELITE JC in SINGAPORE which is not meant for prudes anyway.”

You probably would fail at practising eliticism anyway, since your academic caliber is a long way off. Don’t bother.

“Language and grammar people. Language and grammar. By the way, elite JCs was not a termed I chose to use but rather a term that was thrown into the article, if you remember. ACJC girl tied up, roughed up, and humiliated on elite JC premises.”

Since your views conflicted with that of the reporter’s to such a large extent, why would you even consider utilising his claims as evidence in your argument? Like I mentioned before, the Strait Times is a newspaper of poor quality, and half of the articles that are published in it cannot be taken at face value.

“So you can’t blame me. I was merely using the term that was given to us.”

Why can’t I blame you? You had issues with the reporter’s choice of words and viewpoint. Why would you make use of a uncreditable source?

“And like I have repeated time and time again, your fallacious arguments what so ever are irrelevant after they have crumbled through the mere fact that the ‘victim’ said she is fine.”

Fair enough, his first signs of valid reasoning. Yet did it ever occur to you that the victim in question could have alleged that she did not suffer from the incident for the sole purpose of avoiding further complications from the public and her peers? A typical school girl who got served with a prank at school probably would not want the media making the situation out to be more than what it actually is. The arguments still stand strong in this case. Arguments are never rendered irrevelant, they are only left temporarily invalid in the event of a legitimate counter-argument.

“She. Is. Fine.”

She struggled like a schoolgirl in a hentai rape. You have the audacity to claim that she is fine? Ludicrous!

“Apparently, Alvinology has vested personal interest in the matter by his persistent blog posts on this issue. I have no idea why, but its like a leech that needs to be burnt off.”

He posted two to three blog posts, the first relating the incident to the general public, and the next few on the follow-up measures taken to deal with the repercussions of the said incident. I would not term the posts as persistent. Alvinology portrays the image of a concerned member of the public. And after viewing the disturbing videos, which perturbed me quite as much as the song Umbrella by Rihanna, I have to concur with his views. You are sick bastards, shoving cake into her shirt and down her lingerie. By the way, the only thing that needs to be burnt off is your horrible attitude.

“People. This issue has obviously been blown out of proportion. You CANNOT and WILL NOT and SHOULD NOT speak up for the victim when she has already spoken. Believe me. There are numerous testimonies from her that assures she is fine, she knows it was for fun, she wasn’t crying. Read, the freaking newspaper. She said it was memorable on her blog. Did she say ‘Omg I cannot face the world anymore my life is over I’ve been thoroughly humiliated?”

The issue has been blown out of proportion, I must admit. The silly going-ons in your douchebag-filled school definitely do not deserve a feature in the local paper. Nonetheless, it is an issue that attracts public attention. You apparently have not done a very good job in wiping your ass after you had finished taking a dump. I can, will, and shall speak up not for the victim, but for the unspoken sufferers in your school. Stop your barbarious acts at once. There is no hint of fun to be found in your activities. Cake in the face might not have raised eyebrows, but tying her to the poles was going overboard. Why should I believe you? You have proven to be an unreliable source of information, with your views highly angled towards shielding your ass. I have read the paper and chosen not to believe those false claims. Like I said before, she just wants to go on with her life. If I was her, you guys would be tased before the cake got within a five metre radius of me.

“No she didn’t.”

Oh really now?

“Like I said, don’t put words into people’s mouth, don’t manipulate words, don’t twist stories, don’t blow things out of proportion.”

I have not put any words into her mouth, I have not manipulated words. You are, however, guilty of the latter charge. I have not twisted stories, and neither have I blown anything out of proportion. These are just my views and you are free to either accept them, or leave this site knowing that you have read some disconcerting material.

“Really. I fail to see how this can persist after assurance from the article in the press that the girl is fine! How can your argument hold?! If she was traumatized and severely affected by this incident, I would retract my words with immediate effect. But she is not.”

I hope you have sufficient experience in using mechanical pencils. Pretty soon you’ll find that your skills will have to be put to use.

“Now just move on people. Move on. And stop harping on it.”

I’m comfortable where I am.

“And by the way Alvin, I AM NOT A RAGGING SUPPORTER! That is hasty generalization. I am not arguing on the grounds that I support ragging. I’m arguing on the grounds that this has been an exaggerated inference of the girls experience from the mere video. That does not mean I support ragging. I feel indifferent towards it. Spot the difference.”

If you are not a ragging supporter as you so claimed, what were you doing in the video? I saw your face clearly in the clip despite the admitedly poor censorship. You were chuckling away like a nymphomaniac in a sex shop. You derive pleasure from such activities? There is no such thing as indifference. You take a stand or you stay out of the matter altogether. Or are you just a leech that tags along with the crowd? You have no grounds to argue upon. I can spot the difference between the people who had good and evil intentions in the video. The only sub-decent character I spotted was the one trying to untie the rope halfway through the video. Unfortunately, one of your cool little friends stopped her. All while you were sitting on the fence, being a bystander as you so claimed.

“I’m not going to spend this ridiculous amount of time dwelling on this incident anymore. As far as I’m concerned, when the girl says its fine, its fine. And all arguments should cease.”

They are not going to cease anytime soon. I want your mugshot in the papers declaring a public apology to the girl. Don’t delude yourself, nothing is fine as of yet.

“And stop lambasting people on forums. Show some level of respect. If you people are arguing that the girl should be shown some respect, do the same to others.”

I’m lambasting you on my personal space, and no respect should be shown to snotty-nosed kids like you who exhibit signs of eliticism yet have no ability to back them up. In the end, you are just another Neighbourhood Bong Kia in a decent school.

With that, I conclude.

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Jungle Life

It is a desolate place, this forest of white. One must assume that this coating of white must be attributed to the heavy snowfalls; and another assumption that was based on this point is that the sheer frost of the snow accounts for the steely and cold atmosphere one experiences in this environment. A quick glance would reveal a mass of untainted figs that stretch on far as the eye can see, and a closer study would even alert your attention to the distribution patterns of the aforementioned forest. Whilst there might be a dense group of trees in a particular area, a lone tree stands unaccompanied somewhere else. Ironically, it is the latter that enjoys a significantly higher probability of blossoming into a full-grown tree, for the blessings that it receives are its alone to keep.

In this bleak place, there is no solace to be found. The chilling wind cuts straight to the bone, penetrating even the thickest layer of bark. However, there are some trees that beg to differ from the norm, comforting themselves with false lapses of happiness. It must be noted that the smiles plastered upon their rough trunks are nothing but camouflage. Deep inside the chromosomes, they suffer from severe emotional haemorrhage. Joy escapes through the cell membrane like water through a filter funnel, while despair floods in with unparalleled frenzy, effectively distorting the arrangement of the chromosomes in the cell beyond all recognition.

The trees, for some untold reason, partake in senseless revelry every single day. In the spirit of faux happiness, they sweep all ill-will underneath the carpet of grass, and stow each new skeleton away in the closet. All matters, whether happy, sad or just plain foolish are shared openly. The 100dB noise that resonates from the rustling leaves manage to get on the nerves of the average voyager plowing through the forest. The constant chatter is such an irritant that one might be inclined to brandish a sakabato at the branches of those dimwitted agricultural nightmares. They precipitate, letting streams of tears flow down their leaves at the batting of an eyelid. They idolise suave and over-commercialised trees, even if the flaws of these idols are plain for all to see, in order to make up for their personal insecurities. Their flawed mentalities lull the lone trees into inconsolable rage, and that is when the epic War of the Trees begin.

On the 21st of January 2009, where will you be?

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I remember the face but I can’t recall the name

I have moved to

You may copy and paste the address into the bar. There will be no link for you to click on. Such convenience is ill-advised.

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All’s Well

I typed, hit enter on the lacklustre keyboard which sheen had faded with use. I clicked on the first entry I saw.

Lakers surge past Clippers in 4th quarter

Can I get another amen?

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After the overrated peasant party that is otherwise known as Prom Night, I’ll be busy.

Prom is on 26th, don’t correct me if I’m wrong. Work starts on 27th, and ends somewhere around a week before the results are out.

  1. Cowon D2 $300
  2. UE SuperFi.5 $250
  3. Asus NB $1699
  4. Treasure Chest $100

Where’s the Platinum when you need one?

I thought these 3 were some of the better songs from the album, though most of them were good. I’d recommend you to buy it if you still have your A1 money left.


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